

Falling Into Fezzes

Six months seems like an appropriate amount of time between updates, right? It’s hard to believe that we are already approaching the Fall season. But, alas, time marches on and so does our fez collecting. It mostly a quiet summer for the Fez Museum, though we are pleased to bring you five new exhibits to expand the collection.

One of our smallest, and least updated exhibits is the Just for Fun area. We’ve added a new Sportsman Club Inc. fez to this area. We sure are hoping they didn’t shoot birds of that size!

Next is fancy Knights of Pythias fez, with a title bar designating the owner as the Grand Master at Arms. If only the sewing had been just as fancy!

We have added two Odd Fellows pieces as well. One is a basic, no frills Encampment fez (which we think came from West Virginia), while the other is a Samaritans fez from Khayyam Sanctorum.

The big score of this update is a Sciots Supreme Pyramid few, which you definitely won’t want to miss.

Stay fezzy, my friends!

2024-09-08T21:06:08+00:00September 8th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Falling Into Fezzes

A Pre-Easter Update

Howdy, fez heads!

It has been about 6 months since our last update and boy were we due! When it rains, it pours as they say. We have been steadily buying some unusual and high quality fezzes to expand our shared fraternal knowledge. This update represents improvements to 8 exhibits, and includes a baker’s dozen of new fezzes!

Let’s start with the unknown – our Unknown Fezzes exhibit that is, where we’ve added two new mystery fezzes – the blue Achernar fez and a cute little Anzettes hat.

Next stop by the Veteran’s Groups area, where we’ve posted a white fez from the National Order of Trench Rats and a Past Golden Cat’s fez from the Alley Cats.

While on the topic of animals, hit the Animal Lodges area next, where we’ve constructed a new exhibit about the Lions Clubs International and snagged a rare “Silver Eagle” fez from the Fraternal Order of Eagles.

Two new fezzes can also be found in the Knights of Pythias area, one representing a bit of a mystery as to its design and the other demonstrating that African American Pythianism is alive and well.

Of course, any update isn’t complete without a couple of Shriners pieces. You can check out a rare, white Al Menah Shriners fez over in their area, after which you can behold the rhinestone encrusted glory of a Past Imperial Potentate’s fez from the Prince Hall Shriners.

But, we’ve saved the best for last. There’s a new LOTO fez in the Odd Fellow Women’s Groups section, which compliments are two newest additions to the Odd Fellows Social Groups exhibit. Yes, that’s right, we’ve scored two very rare Muscovites fezzes! There’s a new white one as well as red Royal Order of Muscovites fez, rounding out our collection from this, our favorite group.

We wish everyone a great spring and hope to see you back soon!

2024-03-24T23:03:32+00:00March 24th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Pre-Easter Update

Wait. Another update? Woah.

I know. I know! I can hardly believe it myself. Here we are, just two months since our previous update and we have another one. You must have been very good fez fans this summer! In a rare twist, we have four new fezzes to add the museum. So, we thought “why not do an update?” Why not, indeed.

Our first updated exhibit is over in the Animal Lodges area, where you can find a new Elks fez, dating from the earliest years of the organization.

Next, swing by the Sciots exhibit to check out our new Sciots Band Member fez.

You can follow that up with a stop by the Shriners exhibit to check out the most adorable children’s souvenir fez – just like the kind you’d buy at the circus as a souvenir.

Last, but certainly not least, check out our Clandestine Groups exhibit, where we’ve added an unusual white Shriners fez… or is it? You’ll have to read the details to learn more!

We hope everyone has had a great summer and look forward to many fezzy fall adventures. Be well!

2023-10-19T20:39:31+00:00September 14th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wait. Another update? Woah.

Bi-Annual Update Time

We know, we know. It’s been far too long since you’ve had an update. But, you’re in luck. Because you’re reading this. Which means we did an update. See. Now quit complaining and get reading!

After our months long hiatus, we’re back with six new fezzes added to the collection.

We’ll start off at the Shriners Exhibit, where we have added two fezzes from Irem Shriners, one being a quite unusual white fez.

In keeping with the Shrine theme, pop on by our Shrine Ladies exhibit, where we’ve added two new Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America fezzes, including another Past Grand High Priestess fez.

Completing the Shrine trifecta, we’ve also added a PHA Shriners fez from Pyramid No. 1.

Of course, we couldn’t do an update with just Shrine items, so we also added a Dramatic Order Knights of Omar piece for you to check out.

Stay cool, fezzy friends!

2023-06-25T16:52:35+00:00June 25th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bi-Annual Update Time

Happy New Year!

Surprise – we’re still alive!

We decided to start 2023 with an update to the museum, albeit a small one. Our collecting has slowed recently as there just hasn’t been as many unique pieces to snag as we’d like. But, we still continue to look and buy when we can.

Today’s update brings you three new fezzes – two from Shriners International and one from a Masonic Affinity group. The Shriners fezzes are both unique and unusual examples of white Shriners fezzes, coming from Abou Saad and Algeria Shrines, respectively. The Scandinavian Craft Club fez has been added to our collection as well – and if you know anything more about it, we’d love to hear from you!

2023-01-01T21:16:57+00:00January 1st, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Happy New Year!
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