

Nothing new to report!


Good day loyal reader! We just wanted to take a moment and let you know that things are a bit slow here at the museum. We don’t have anything new to report at this time. So, instead, enjoy this silly fez based picture!

As soon as we have updates, we’ll be sure to post them!


2016-10-17T18:38:44+00:00April 16th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Nothing new to report!

March of the Fezzes

Hello intrepid reader! It’s been a little more than a month since our last update, but today we come to you with two new fezzes for your sparkling eyes!

We’ve added a new fez to the Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans exhibit,that is quite old. Part of the fez might even pre-date the creation of AMOS, so check it out! Once you’ve gotten your fill there, a new exhibit is open in the Shriners area for Tangier Shrine. This old fez has some very unique construction techniques that are sure to pique the interest of any historian and collector.

We will continue add pieces as we receive them, but this monthly schedule of posting seems to be working out well. As always, we are continuously looking for odd pieces to add to our collection, so if you have something unique, drop us a line using the Contact page.

2016-10-17T18:38:45+00:00March 11th, 2013|Updates|Comments Off on March of the Fezzes

Fezzy Warmth

tumblr_mai70ePFC81rc7g82o1_500As we round out the month of January, we find that it’s time to once again update the Virtual Museum of Fezology. January was a pretty slow month for the collection, with only one new addition. We were able to score an Oriental Order of Humility and Perfection Sheik’s fez, dating from the earliest part of the 20th Century. You can check out that exhibit for all the info.

As always, if you have a fez you’re interested in donating or selling, check out our Buying page for more details.

2016-10-17T18:38:47+00:00February 1st, 2013|Updates|Comments Off on Fezzy Warmth

Happy Fezmas!

New Year’s greetings from the Virtual Museum of Fezology! While it was a busy holiday season, the Museum did manage to pick up a couple of new pieces to share with you, our loyal viewers.

First, swing on by the National Order of Trench Rats exhibit to see a Past Golden Rodent’s fez. Yep – that’s what it’s called. We can’t make this stuff up people! Once your eyes have beheld that site, swing on over to the Ubar Grotto page to see what a brand new Past Monarch’s fez looks like. We think you’ll be blinded by the light!

Once again, the museum thanks you for your patronage and we look forward to a fez filled 2013! Huzzah!


2016-10-17T18:38:49+00:00January 4th, 2013|Updates|Comments Off on Happy Fezmas!

Three new fezzes = three times the fun!

Well, good day there reader! Welcome once again to the Virtual Museum of Fezology – the internet’s foremost expert on fraternal fezzes.

Today, we bring an update to the Museum, with three new pieces. First, stop on by the Zembo Shrine exhibit to see a great example of an older members fez that is gussied up with lots of rhinestones. Once you’ve marveled appropriately, slip on over to the Unknown Fezzes area and check out the short little fez labeled Naomi. Perhaps you can tell us what it is! Lastly, we’ve added a very old piece to the Oriental Order of Humility and Perfection exhibit.

We hope that you enjoy these updates and we look forward to continuing the fezzy fun in the new year. Have a great holiday season!

2016-10-17T18:38:50+00:00December 5th, 2012|Updates|Comments Off on Three new fezzes = three times the fun!
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