

Fall Fez Update

giantfezguyWe’re not dead yet! Really though, we’ve just been busy here at the Museum of Fezology with real life. Our collecting continues and remains active, with nearly 200 fezzes in the collection today (some of which aren’t even posted to this site!)

To remedy that, we’ve got four new updates for you to check out today. Let’s take a look!

We’ll start in the Odd Fellows Social Groups exhibit, where we’ve added an old Ufa Sanctorum fez. This is a nice piece from a very unstable time in the history of the organization, so it’s definitely worth checking out.

Next up is a Sciots Past Toparch fez from the 1950’s. While it’s not terribly old or different, it is a nice fez and bridges a time gap in our collection.

Then, we added an old Grotto fez from Cheliminar Sanctorum in Yakima, WA. It features what we fondly refer to as the “South Park Mokanna” on the front in metal.

Lastly, we have a completely new and altogether rare organization fez for the collection. We’ve got our mits on a Fraternal Order of Orioles fez over in the Animal Lodges exhibit. The Orioles have been around since the early 1900’s, but weren’t known to be fez wearers, making this a really unique piece.

Until next time fezmigos!

2016-11-20T16:33:26+00:00November 20th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fall Fez Update

A Hot Fez Update

plateofezzesToday is one of the hottest days of the summer in the Northeast. This gave us the needed to time to spend a day in air conditioning and updating the Museum! We’re happy to bring you three updates, all in some smaller categories.

We start with a Fraternal Order of Eagles fez, hailing from Spokane Aerie No. 2. It’s a more recent piece, but comes from a group not known for wearing fezzes, making it a unique addition.

Next up, we have a “small” addition to the collection in the form of an Abadan Grotto Ladies Auxiliary fez. This hat is positively tiny, perfect for the ladies that probably wore it.

Last up is a new Independent Order of Odd Fellows Encampment fez. This new addition is embroired in multiple colors and is quite old, so check it out!

We hope that you enjoy this round of updates. As always, we continue to look for additions to the collection to bring to you!

2016-10-17T18:37:50+00:00August 14th, 2016|Updates|Comments Off on A Hot Fez Update

April Showers Bring April Fezzes? Wait…

fezmemeWelcome back to the Fez Museum! We hope that you’re having an excellent spring and enjoying your 2016.

We come to you today with no less than 6 new fezzes in the museum!

  • We’ve added a new fez to the Charitable Groups section, detailing a little known African American Fraternal body call the Lily White Security Benevolent Association.
  • The Maccabees, one of the most well known fraternal bodies of the 20th Century weren’t known for wearing fezzes, but, thanks to a donation, we have one!
  • The Sons of the Desert, deveoted to comedians Laurel and Hardy, are a great fez wearing social body for fans.
  • Recently revived, we bring you a fez from the Noble Order of Muscovites.
  • The Ladies of the Orient are on the move as well, with two new additions to this section.

We thank you for your visit and look forward to bringing you images of more fine fraternal millinery!

2016-10-17T18:37:54+00:00April 18th, 2016|Updates|Comments Off on April Showers Bring April Fezzes? Wait…

February Fez Update

funny-fun-lol-cats-wearing-fez-pics-images-photos-pictures-bajiroo-6Things have been pretty quiet around the Fez Museum as of late, but we have been picking up pieces as time and money allow.

This update sees three new fezzes in our Odd Fellows area, covering the Imperial Order of Muscovites, the Pilgrim Knights of Oriental Splendor, and the Ladies of the Orient.

We’ve also added two fezzes to our Masonic related organizations collection, with a Past Monarch’s fez from Avalon Grotto and a member’s fez from Osiris Shriners.

Enjoy the update and be sure to check back for more!

2016-10-17T18:37:59+00:00February 22nd, 2016|Updates|Comments Off on February Fez Update

Well then, an update!

Mayor richard daley in fezWhile we had planned to do an update much sooner, rather than the current state of later, we’ve finally added some new pieces to the collection worth noting.

A rare find indeed, we’ve added a Supreme Treasurer’s fez to our AHEPA exihibit. Following that, check out the new Kolo Sanctorum in our AMOS area. Lastly, we wrap up this update with a Yedz fez over in our Grotto area.

As always, we continue our search for new and unique fezzes, so feel free to contact us if you have something strange that you are looking to part with!

2016-10-17T18:38:00+00:00January 12th, 2016|Updates|Comments Off on Well then, an update!
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