Collecting Resources

Any person beginning a hobby quickly discovers a world of resources and information that they previously never knew existed. If one is lucky, they meet up with other enthusiasts who can share more information with them. With the museum ever expanding, it seems we get more information on fez collecting everyday. Between books like those depicted on the right and the world of the internet, there is plenty of information out there. As a service to other collectors, we offer the following resources to aid you in enjoying your hobby!
Organizational Histories
We hit the “mother lode” of fez information thanks to Mr. Tyler Anderson, a fellow collector. Tyler provided information on dating fezzes, which has been conveniently compiled into .pdf format so that others may easily access the information. Other resources we have found useful, or we have been able to piece together ourselves, have also been placed here.
- Manufacturer Histories
- Fraternal Group Research
- Fraternal Body Emblems, Structures, and Tassel Guides
- Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans Fez and Tassel Guide
- Ladies of the Orient Fez and Tassel Guide
- Order of Alhambra Fez and Tassel Guide
- National Order of Trench Rats Fez and Tassel Guide
- Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan Imperial Recorder Timeline
- History of the Shrine Emblem
- History of the Algeria Shrine Emblem
- Rank Structure of the PHA Shrine