

Updates, Updates, Updates

7aa9ba176e2761ba89e4efce719cb816Well, only two updates, but still – that’s pretty good!

We hope everyone had an excellent holiday season. We know we did! Santa brought us two new fezzes for the collection and we’re excited to share them with you.

First up, we have a super exciting addition to our United Ancient Order of Druides exhibit, in the form of a Past Grand Chief Knight fez, hailing from the ladies auxiliary of the organization.

We’re also pleased to post an addition to our Order of Alhambra collection. We recently acquired a Regional Chaplain’s fez, which would have belonged to a Catholic priest. It’s an awesome find, so check it out!

Thanks for stopping by!

2016-10-17T18:38:33+00:00January 6th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Updates, Updates, Updates

Hey, look – an update!

Ul77026541It’s hard to believe that it has been more than three months since we’ve updated the fez museum – and close to four months since we’ve added a new exhibit. Thankfully, that streak is being broken, as we’re adding two new additions to the collection today.

A quick stroll over to the Knights of Pythias area will uncover a new Knights of Pythias Chaplains fez, unique from our other Pythian pieces. Following on the heals of that fez, we have a brand new exhibit over at the American Woodmen page. This fraternal group is one of the few that underwent a racial change during it’s history and has managed to survive despite some tumultuous times. Check them out!

As always, we appreciate your patronage and look forward to bringing you more fezzes in the future!

2016-10-17T18:38:34+00:00December 3rd, 2013|Updates|Comments Off on Hey, look – an update!

Fez Grading Guide

randomWe are proud to announce a new resources for fez collectors! After more than a year of work, we are happy to release our “Fez Grading Guide” to the world.

This guide will help any collector rate their fez on a 15 point scale. Up to five points can be awarded in three categories – condition, rarity, and age. The higher the score, the more valuable the fez!

We hope you find this guide useful. We will be using it in our correspondence with others when we are asked to value a fez, making the process a bit more transparent.

This guide will permanently reside our our Resources area.

2016-10-17T18:38:41+00:00September 13th, 2013|General Info|Comments Off on Fez Grading Guide

Falling for Fezzes

fezthimbleAs 2013 begins to wind down, we find ourselves staring down the season of Fall. Just in time for this seasonal switch, we come to you with a few new additions to the collection.

First up, we have a wonderful, home made, Order of Alhambra Candidates Fez. It’s certainly worth checking out, if only for how odd it is! Next, take a step over to the new Mecca Shriners exhibit, wherein you’ll find a very early (and quite old) example of a Shriners fez from the first Shrine to be founded. Lastly, we’ve added a new social club to the mix, with the posting of the fez of a member of the Fire Square Club of New York City.

We thank you for checking back to the museum. As always, we will update when more fezzes are added to the collection!

2016-10-17T18:38:42+00:00September 3rd, 2013|Updates|Comments Off on Falling for Fezzes

We’re back!

fezAfter a two month hiatus, we’re back! We’ve added two fezzes to the collection in recent weeks and we are ready to unveil the additional displays. First, check out the updated AMOS section, where we have a uniquely tasseled addition from Murad Sanctorum No. 202. Then, shimmy on over to our brand new exhibit for the Queen of the South, a Prince-Hall affiliated Degree for women.

As you heard in our previous posts, things are slow a the Museum. This is mainly due to how extensive our collection has become. We now have more than 120 fezzes, representing a significant number of fraternal groups. As the collection has grown, it has become harder to source the rare and obscure pieces we need to continue with updates. As such our posting schedule is going to be more sporadic, only updating whenever we have something new to share with you.

We appreciate your continued support and look forward to bringing you more fezzy goodness!

2016-10-17T18:38:43+00:00June 13th, 2013|Updates|Comments Off on We’re back!
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