

Happy Fez-giving!

fezguysToday, we find ourselves one day away from the Thanksgiving Holiday in the United States. As we look towards the oncoming holiday season, we wanted to take a moment and update the museum with a few new acquisitions in a token of thanks to our readers.

We’ll start by sharing our new exhibit on the Royal Order of Jesters, an organization tied to the Shriners. The fez we have obtained from this group may not really be a fez at all, but it’s full of character. Once you’ve had your fill of Mirth, we’ll direct your attention over to the Fraternal Order of Eagles exhibit, where we are now displaying one of the rarest fezzes in the collection – a white fez that belonged to a Past Grand Worthy President. Lastly, we’ve added a new Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan fez, which once belonged to a District Deputy Imperial Prince.

We hope that you enjoy this update! Rest assured, we will continue to add pieces to the collection as we find them. Keep the spirit of fraternalism alive and well this holiday season and have a safe and healthy new year!

2016-10-17T18:38:24+00:00November 26th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Happy Fez-giving!


fezbentoAs September rolls along, we realized that we had a backlog of new pieces to post to the musuem for you to enjoy.

First up is a mystery fez, of green color, with some curious designs on it. This was a private purchase and we have no idea what group it belongs to. Take a look and see if you can shed any light on it!

Next, we have a National Order of Alley Cats fez, just in time for Halloween. It’s an interestingly designed fez that harkens to an earlier era with kitschy charm.

Lastly, is a Caliphs of Bagdad fez. The group this fez hails from has confounded even the National Heritage Museum. While the fez itself isn’t a mystery, the group sure is. If you happen to have any information, send us a message so we can enlighten the rest of the world!

We hope you enjoyed these updates. Keep checking back, as we’re always adding to the collection!

2016-10-17T18:38:25+00:00September 17th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Feztember!

Summertime Fezzin’

fezdogHello there intrepid reader! I know, I know, it’s been a while. FIrst Winter was busy. Then Spring was busy. Then summer wanted to get in on the action and be busy too. But, we’ve managed to find two new fezzes to bring you. While they won’t provide much protection against the sun, they will provide you a with a style second-to-none!

First up, we have an Herald Editors fez over at the Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan exhibit. This fez has more after market decoration than any other in the collection. It’s pretty clear the owner was proud to wear it and spent much time on the road at Fraternal events.

Speaking of being on the road, why not hop on the passenger car and chug over to our new exhibit, featuring a Pennsylvania Railroad Club fez. This piece, unlike anything we’ve seen before, is incredibly unique and represents a cool part of Pennsylvania history.

We hope to be back with more fezzes in the late summer, so check back and see what we’ve dug up!

2016-10-17T18:38:27+00:00July 10th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Summertime Fezzin’

Hey look, another post!

$_57Yes! After having only posted one month ago, we’re back with two exciting additions to our humble collection.

First, check out the awesome new Past Master Councilor’s fez over in the DeMolay area. It’s quite old and nicely emobroidered with gold, so you won’t want to miss it.

Then, you can skee-daddle over to the Imperial Order of Muscovites display, as we’ve managed to acquire another Muscovites fez, dating from 1923. This piece is in very good condition and marks a leap forward in knowledge of the group.

As always, we hope you’re having a great year and we look forward to bringing you more fezzes in the future!

2016-10-17T18:38:28+00:00April 14th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Hey look, another post!

Better late than never!

il_340x270.552213178_7ngaGood day, fezzians! Today, we bring you a long awaited update to the Museum, with two new ladies exhibits.

First up is a brand new section devoted to the Lady Muscovites, a small order designed for women related to members of the Imperial Order of Muscovites, who were affiliated with the Odd Fellows. This piece is one of the rarest in the collection!

Our other addition is a Shriner’s Lady of a Noble fez. While it may not be very fancy, it is something different and represents an interesting trend in the Shrine.

We hope you made it through the winter months well and we look forward to bringing you more fezzy goodness in the future!

2016-10-17T18:38:29+00:00March 15th, 2014|Updates|Comments Off on Better late than never!
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