

Where has the time gone?!?

Oh look – it’s been exactly one month since we updated the Museum! Where has the time gone? Isn’t it funny how holidays and life can do that to you… but, we are back with a big update to make up for it!

You can start your updated tour at the Grotto exhibit. There we have added a Singara Past Monarch’s fez as well as a great example of a variation on the basic members fez, which hails from Yusef Khan Grotto.

Once you had your fill of black fezzes, you can try to the opposite color by viewing our new Clandestine Eastern Star exhibit. Hopefully the entry there will explain some of the confusion caused by having two exhibits called Eastern Star.

Lastly, we figured you might be in the mood for some more traditionally colored fezzes. First, have a looksie at our newest Shriner fez in the Zembo area, after which you can read up on a very rare fez in our newest exhibit dedicated to the Junior United Order of American Mechanics.

Believe it or not, this actually depletes our back stock of fezzes – everything that is in the possession of the Museum has been posted (for the first time in almost a year.) Please, enjoy the collection and keep checking back as new pieces are acquired regularly!

2016-10-17T18:39:23+00:00January 19th, 2012|Updates|Comments Off on Where has the time gone?!?

Merry Fezmas!

As we approach the Christmas holiday, we thought it only right to give our fans a bit of Christmas gift in the form of a large update to the Museum. Today, we have posted eight new fezzes, in six categories, with one becoming a completely new area of the collection!

You can start today’s tour over in the Improved Benevolent and Protected Order of Elks of the World display where you will see three new additions, including a Past Grand Exalted Rulers fez, which was a spectacular addition to the collection. Next, drop on by the Mahi Shrine area to check out one of our newest donations. Speaking of which, we also have a newly donated piece over in the Grotto area at the Zafar exhibit.  Oh, and while you’re in the Masonic area, check out our newest DeMolay fez as well!

We recently posted our first acquisitions of AHEPA fezzes and we just received another AHEPA fez to fill out this area, so make sure to give it a looksie. Finally, you can check out our brand new area dedicated to what we believe to be a clandestine Heroines of Jericho group. This area has proved very interesting to the Museum collectors and we hope you enjoy it.

After this update, we only have two fezzes left that haven’t been posted (and that’s only because we forgot to get pictures of them!) We wish everyone a happy holiday season and we look forward to talking about even more fezzes in the New Year!

2016-10-17T18:39:24+00:00December 19th, 2011|Updates|Comments Off on Merry Fezmas!

Be thankful for fezzes!

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, we at the Virtual Museum of Fezology are thankful for all the great feedback we’ve received from those viewing the page. This collection is a labor of love and we really enjoy sharing it with everyone!

As a way to say “thank you,” we’ve updated the museum with two new exhibits before the holiday. First, you can learn more about Kismet Shrine, and it’s variant Shriner fez. Kismet may be small, but it’s an old Shrine with lots of history. Once you finish that, drop on by the Mokanna Grotto exhibit to learn more about the most unique and special Grotto still in existence (well, sort of.)

Enjoy your holiday!

2016-10-17T18:39:34+00:00November 22nd, 2011|Updates|Comments Off on Be thankful for fezzes!

Cleaning Out the Closet

That’s right boys and girls! You get an update two weeks in a row! We’ve had such a backlog of fezzes to post that we thought it would be a good idea to get some more exhibits up here ASAP. Today we’ve added two completely new areas to the museum, filling in some interesting niches.

The first new fez comes from a little known group called the Shrine Guilds of America, which is a ladies organization tied to Shriners International. It is a unique piece and was a great auction find for the museum.

Our second new exhibit comes from the Order of AHEPA – the American Hellenic Progressive Educational Association – a Greek rights group founded in Atlanta in the 1920’s. We have a nice example of an older fez as well as a more updated version for your viewing pleasure.

Thanks for stopping back and checking our the Museum! We hope you’ve enjoyed your visit!

2016-10-17T18:39:35+00:00November 1st, 2011|Updates|Comments Off on Cleaning Out the Closet

Five Fez Update

Whew! We’ve finally gotten caught up on those boring real life tasks and have had a chance to do some much needed updates to the museum. Today, we have posted four new exhibits for you to enjoy. Start your tour of the new pieces over at the Alacala exhibit in the Order of Alhambra area where we have added a Past Grand Commander’s fez. Next, slip on over to the DOKK section of the Knights of Pythias to check out our new Royal Prince’s fez. After having your eyes dazzled there, shoot over to the Ladies of the Oriental Shrine of North American and check out our two acquisitions from Su-Zu Court No. 21. Oh, and why not end your journey with a little bit of mystery by checking our the new Bison fez at our Unknown Fezzes exhibit.

We hope you enjoy these updates and we encourage to stop back often to check out our ever expanding collection of fraternal fezzes.

2016-10-17T18:39:36+00:00October 26th, 2011|Updates|Comments Off on Five Fez Update
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