Ladies of the Oriental Shrine

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Like a Fezzy Phoenix, we rise!

Holy cats! where did the time go! It has been almost two full years since our last update to this website. That’s a long time! But, thanks to the Corona Virus and a slow down in fraternal activity, your trusty curator has found himself with a little extra time on his hands. Since our last update, we have continued to buy fezzes and scour local antique malls for fraternal finds. We hope the wait was worth it, as we bring you no less than nine new fezzes, including one completely new exhibit!

First up is one of our most exciting finds – two Past Supreme High Priestess fezzes from the Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America. The Supreme Worthy High Priestess is the highest ranking officer of this organization and therefore these fezzes are very rare. To have obtained two of them in one shot is very exciting!

Next up we have our newest exhibit, detailing the history of the little known Dramatic Order Knights of Omar. This group is attached to the African American Knights of Pythias and offers a fraternal experience devoted to fun and fellowship. This fez was a special find indeed!

In the Order of Alhambra exhibit, we’ve added a Past Regional Directors fez, inching us every closer to a complete collection from this body. All we need now is a Supreme Officer’s fez, and a Past Supreme presiding officer’s fez and we’ll have them all!

We’ve also added new fezzes to the Masonic Youth Groups (two new Job’s Daughters examples), our Occupational Groups exhibit (a States Fleet Masonic Club fez), the Junior American Mechanics, and a very fine Princes of Bagdad fez from Lancaster, PA.

We hope you enjoy this update. While we can’t guarantee that we’ll be timelier with future additions, know that we do respond to all communications from this website and remain on the hunt for our next fezzy find!


2020-03-17T23:43:33+00:00March 17th, 2020|General Info, Updates|Comments Off on Like a Fezzy Phoenix, we rise!

Updates Galore!

25480981aad98f9bd7206b73a69d9648As you can see, over the summer we’ve updated the look and feel of the Museum of Fezology. We hope you enjoy it and find it easier to navigate and use! During the update, we also added several new displays to the collection.

First up, we have five new fezzes in the Grotto and Related area, including an older Grotto fez and a complete set of Daughters of Mokanna fezzes, including a Past Supreme Mighty Chosen One fez, generously donated by the Supreme Caldron of the organization.

We’ve added another piece to the Occupational Groups exhibit, with a Pennslvania Shield and Square Club fez, used by law enforcement and protective services members that were also Freemasons.

Another fez was added to the Sciots exhibit, hailing from New Jersey Pyramid No. 1. During the summer, the Curator the Museum became a member of New Jersey Pyramid No. 3, but was given a No. 1 fez, as no No. 3 fezzes were available in his size.

Another example of a Past High Priestess’s fez was added to the Shrine Ladies area, coming from Neptune Court in New Jersey.

Lastly, we have a brand new exhibit dedicated to the Princes of Bagdad, a side body to the Ancient and Illustrious Order of the Knights of Malta.

We have a couple of fezzes on their weay to the museum now, so we hope to update again in the very near future. 

2016-10-17T18:38:02+00:00October 25th, 2015|Updates|Comments Off on Updates Galore!